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How do we get rid of ants around our purple tops? , What can we do to destroy of the ants

How do we get rid of ants around our purple tops? , What can we do to destroy of the ants

"I planted purple top seeds "and now I see all kinds of ants.” What can I do to destroy of the ants and not hurt the purple top...
Top 10 STRANGEST Holes, on Planet Earth

Top 10 STRANGEST Holes, on Planet Earth

From fiery holes that seemed like the gates of hell are opening to grouping sinkhole that swallowed enormous amounts of water too mysterio...
Fish Talk To Each Other? How do fish talk?

Fish Talk To Each Other? How do fish talk?

Fish have been found singing off the coast of Australia. A belated Prince tribute, you ask?Well, no, not exactly. Hey, guys, Natalia here ...
10 Teens You Wont Believe Actually Exist

10 Teens You Wont Believe Actually Exist

Cassidy Hooper this 16 year old girl born in North Carolina is unlike any other this is because she was born without eyes or nose a...


The secret that lies beneath all magic tricks and illusions is the people actually do want to be tricked and to believe in magic. the voic...
20 Things You Didn't Know About Selena Gomez

20 Things You Didn't Know About Selena Gomez

she has a heart of gold the face of an angel and a career that launched when she was only seven years old today we're going to talk ab...
How to check for counterfeit money

How to check for counterfeit money

When you're a cashier one of your responsibilities is checking for counterfeit money. We have a marker pen, you can slide your pen,...
Horrifying Traditions Around The World That Still Exist

Horrifying Traditions Around The World That Still Exist

1-Cobra Gold every year over 13,000 military members from Thailand u.s. Singapore Indonesia Japan South Korea and Malaysia he...
15 Secrets Only Runners Know

15 Secrets Only Runners Know

[Narrator] Your running rotates around your pooping schedule, which means, you know how to make yourself poop. You always fee...
The Shape Of Your Nose Describes A Ton of Your Character

The Shape Of Your Nose Describes A Ton of Your Character

We will learn about the shape of your nose tells a ton about your personality please pay attention as much as it sounds strange the ...
The ways to recover your spouse

The ways to recover your spouse

that is one of the questions that I get hold of day by day, guys desperate to recognize a way to get their better halves lower back. ...

Sex tips